Lessons In Leadership…from a 6 year old - Part 4

Lesson 3: “The More, The Merrier!”

After our first couple of payouts, my sisters and I decided we would do this every Saturday morning. I mean, why not? We were on summer break and word began to spread… before we knew it, we had other kids from the neighborhood joining in.

This was cool because…

More Kids=More Trash=More Money=More Candy.

One particular payday, my sister had the “bright” idea that once we got paid we should put all our money together and throw a big party.

This way, we could buy more snacks and more candy. The entire team thought this was a great idea, except for me. The reason? Two Words…FUN DIP. Fun Dip only has one dipping stick and, by default, makes it a solo mission - that’s not party appropriate.Furthermore, sharing the one stick is nasty. So, in the words of Shark Tank.… “I’m Out”.

The result? The team had their party and I rode off into the sunset with my Fun Dip. Once my candy high wore off, I rejoined the team, which, to my surprise, was still partying. By putting their funds together, the team had more than enough to share. Ashamed and regretful, I watched the party from afar…on my Huffy…under a tree.

Seeing me alone, and after talking a little junk about me, one of my sisters was kind enough to invite me over to participate….Turns out it was more fun to celebrate success with the team than solo fun dipping.


Lessons In Leadership…from a 6-year old - Part 3