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Lessons In Leadership from a 6 year old
At six-years-old, my one ambition in life was to eat candy.
It was as important to me as oxygen - I couldn’t function properly without it. Lemon Heads, Jolly Ranchers, Blow-pops, Pop Rocks; even the real hard stuff - like Nerds, Now and Laters and Fun-Dip - all were vital.
Part 1
Part 1
Call Control in a Hard to Control Virtual World
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a warm 85 degrees in the Carolina’s but a crisp 65 degrees in the office. I was excited about this day since I was leading a high-impact call which I had been anticipating for several weeks. The meeting was for a new product launch which we hoped would take the market by storm.
Hear more about what we have to say:
Call Control in a Hard to Control Virtual World - Part 1
After reflecting on a zoom conference call that hadn’t quite gone to plan, I took ownership of what had happened and acknowledged that controlling the call was my responsibility. However, in order not to run into this situation again, I would need some tried and tested tools to help me along the way.
This brings me to Part 1 of this 3-part article about “Call Control”. Let’s begin with “Call Preparation”.
Call Control in a Hard to Control Virtual World - Part 2
OK, so you decided a virtual call was necessary. You conducted some side-discussions with your participants to set expectations, and you hit ‘em with the P.A.N. by including the Purpose, Agenda, and Next Steps when you sent out your meeting invites. EXCELLENT WORK!
Now, before you log-in and show your new cool virtual background, check out the 3 B’s to becoming a Call Commander and Chief.
Call Control in a Hard to Control Virtual World - Part 3
You made it! You prepped for your call, hosted the call, and it was full of engagement. Now that the calls is over you can just CHILLAX to the MAX, right??
NEGATIVE. It’s time to put on your cape and play the role you were born to play, “ACAH” – The After Call Action Hero. Alright maybe these tasks are not as heroic as I make them seem, but nevertheless, they are critical for capitalizing on momentum and fostering ongoing success.
Lessons In Leadership from a 6 year old - Part 1
At six-years-old, my one ambition in life was to eat candy.
It was as important to me as oxygen - I couldn’t function properly without it. Lemon Heads, Jolly Ranchers, Blow-pops, Pop Rocks; even the real hard stuff - like Nerds, Now and Laters and Fun-Dip - all were vital.
Lessons In Leadership…from a 6-year old - Part 2
Lesson 1: “Sacrifice is Greater than Success”
At six years old I was picking up beer bottles and cans to exchange for money to exchange for candy. (How did this happen?? Please read Part 1)
Lessons In Leadership…from a 6-year old - Part 3
Lesson 2: “Be Honest or Be Eaten” Did you Miss Lesson 1? Check it out here Our operation was fairly simple.
The owner of the recycling center would give us cash per pound of recyclable items we brought in. My oldest sister did the talking - I was there as the muscle (handling the two-wheel shopping cart onto the scale, unloading the items).
Lessons In Leadership…from a 6 year old - Part 4
After our first couple of payouts, my sisters and I decided we would do this every Saturday morning. I mean, why not? We were on summer break and word began to spread… before we knew it, we had other kids from the neighborhood joining in.